We can quench our thirst with a variety of products. They may come in attractive packaging and satisfy us for a while, but we will be thirsty again. So drink from the source of living water—Jesus. You will never thirst again.
Seared in the fire. Crafted into perfection. Ready to be used. Just as the craftsman refines a tool for a select purpose, we were created in Christ Jesus to do good things. God has already given you ambitions and directions. Go fulfill them. Read more: http://odb.org/2015/06/03/something-new/
Generations come and go. This chaotic world is ever-changing. But one thing that remains steady is the Word of God. He gives us the Scripture so that we can know Him and to make us wise. This is the second in a series of videos for Gospel Here & Now. Go to gospelhereandnow.org to find out more.
When the storms of life threaten to overwhelm you and hopelessness is all you know, there is One who can bring peace to troubled lives. Jesus spoke the winds and the waves into submission, and He can calm your storm too. Just ask Him.
Kids love to imitate. That’s how they learn. And just as we pass down our wisdom, skills, or hobbies to our children, God asks us to follow His example. There’s no better way to learn how to love life and live life than from the One who created us.
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