We can quench our thirst with a variety of products. They may come in attractive packaging and satisfy us for a while, but we will be thirsty again. So drink from the source of living water—Jesus. You will never thirst again.
When the storms of life rage, remember He is with you. When you struggle until you have no energy left to give, He is with you. When you feel alone and think that God doesn’t care, He is with you. So take heart . . . He is with you!
When you’re paralyzed in darkness and can’t find a way around your problems, it can feel like God has forgotten you. But He hasn’t. Take a moment to remember what He has done for you, and know that He will lead you out of your darkness into His light.
We can quench our thirst with a variety of products. They may come in attractive packaging and satisfy us for a while, but we will be thirsty again. So drink from the source of living water—Jesus. You will never thirst again.
A baby boy. That’s how God chose to save the world. It was God’s plan to send His Son in the flesh, and it’s His plan to affect every one of us through this gift. So trust in His purpose, no matter what your role, because He loves you so.
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