Through faithful giving of friends like you, we are able to continue to produce films that reach people with the life-changing wisdom of the Bible
DonateStressed? Disillusioned? Exhausted? When life is too much, lay your crushed spirit before the Lord. He is strong. He will protect and renew you. Run to Him . . . He is waiting for you.
Through faithful giving of friends like you, we are able to continue to produce films that reach people with the life-changing wisdom of the Bible
Donate“Be crafted into something new.” (Colossians 3:1-11) It starts with an idea. In the designer’s skilled hands, the raw materials begin to take shape. The process is sometimes messy and time consuming, but it is necessary. The transformation process creates something useful, something beautiful, something new.
Do you ever feel like you’re drowning? Like there’s an ocean of pain and problems and you can’t breathe? But there is One who saves. Who rescues. Who brings your life out of the deep and into the light. His name is Jesus, and He wants to rescue you. Read more:
Generations come and go. This chaotic world is ever-changing. But one thing that remains steady is the Word of God. He gives us the Scripture so that we can know Him and to make us wise. This is the second in a series of videos for Gospel Here & Now. Go to to find out more.
God formed the earth, created everything in it, and knows every detail of His masterpiece. He is perfect and powerful, yet He wants to know you intimately. He wants you to call on Him, and He will be your protector. Your rescuer. Your refuge.
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