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Take a deep look at the Sermon on the Mount to learn the heart of Jesus, and discover how—through His strength—you can build a more resilient life. In these 6 videos, Sheridan Voysey walks you through key parts of Matthew 5–7 while entertaining and enlightening you with his wit and wisdom.

DVD includes a free study guide to complement this series. Order a copy at

Series Guide
Reflecting on God’s blessings expressed in the Sermon on the Mount, Sheridan presents this passage of Scripture as an invitation to a resilient life. Get ready to examine life-changing truths that will help you weather the storms and stand firm in your faith.
Jesus says you are the salt of the earth and the light of the world. Sheridan reminds you that Jesus is calling you to be a world-changer in everything you do, everywhere you go, and in everything you say.
The deepest longing of the human heart is for relationships. Sheridan explains God’s expectation for you to develop and maintain healthy relationships built on reconciliation, faithfulness, and love.
The Lord’s Prayer lies at the heart of the Sermon on the Mount. Sheridan helps you see the importance of not only reciting it, but also practicing it in your everyday living to strengthen and prepare you for life’s challenges.
Jesus taught about the broad road to destruction and the narrow path to life. In this session, Sheridan reminds you to seek God’s guidance in making choices, so your journeys will be traveled on paths that lead to life.
Trials are inevitable. Encouraging you in the storms of life, Sheridan helps you see how God gives hope and how hope builds resilience—the power to recover, the power to bounce back, the power to keep following after God.
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