It starts as broken glass. Ruined. Thrown away. But then something amazing happens. Over time, the useless shards are rolled and tumbled until something beautiful is created. It’s just like how God takes our broken pieces and crafts beauty.
When the storms of life threaten to overwhelm you and hopelessness is all you know, there is One who can bring peace to troubled lives. Jesus spoke the winds and the waves into submission, and He can calm your storm too. Just ask Him.
It starts as broken glass. Ruined. Thrown away. But then something amazing happens. Over time, the useless shards are rolled and tumbled until something beautiful is created. It’s just like how God takes our broken pieces and crafts beauty.
Seared in the fire. Crafted into perfection. Ready to be used. Just as the craftsman refines a tool for a select purpose, we were created in Christ Jesus to do good things. God has already given you ambitions and directions. Go fulfill them. Read more:
Our days are filled with endless commitments, choices, fun things, not-so-fun things. Things we have to do. Things we get to do. Wrap your day in prayer because keeping your eyes on God will help keep everything else in focus.
A baby boy. That’s how God chose to save the world. It was God’s plan to send His Son in the flesh, and it’s His plan to affect every one of us through this gift. So trust in His purpose, no matter what your role, because He loves you so.
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