Through faithful giving of friends like you, we are able to continue to produce films that reach people with the life-changing wisdom of the Bible
DonateBe strong and take heart for the Lord is my light and my salvation.
Through faithful giving of friends like you, we are able to continue to produce films that reach people with the life-changing wisdom of the Bible
DonateIt starts as broken glass. Ruined. Thrown away. But then something amazing happens. Over time, the useless shards are rolled and tumbled until something beautiful is created. It’s just like how God takes our broken pieces and crafts beauty.
Generations come and go. This chaotic world is ever-changing. But one thing that remains steady is the Word of God. He gives us the Scripture so that we can know Him and to make us wise. This is the second in a series of videos for Gospel Here & Now. Go to to find out more.
Our days are filled with endless commitments, choices, fun things, not-so-fun things. Things we have to do. Things we get to do. Wrap your day in prayer because keeping your eyes on God will help keep everything else in focus.
We can quench our thirst with a variety of products. They may come in attractive packaging and satisfy us for a while, but we will be thirsty again. So drink from the source of living water—Jesus. You will never thirst again.
Life is full of challenges and setbacks. We can’t do it on our own. Thankfully, we have a heavenly Father who wants to help us and never wants us to walk alone. He’s reaching out to you. So grab on and don’t let go. He certainly won’t.
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