Jay Beene is a man with a passion for serving others. He knows what it’s like to be in the dark concerning spiritual matters. But he met Jesus, and now he’s walking in the light, and teaching others to do the same. Jay mentors teens in a variety of life skills, most importantly, how to be godly men.
As young adults, Derek and his girlfriend chose to abort four pregnancies. Then they both came to know Jesus as their Savior. “And that’s what literally changed the course of both of our lives when we started to walk in this forgiveness that the Lord offered,” Derek says. “God gave us new eyes to see how important life is.” They still live with the pain of past…
Seven months into her pregnancy, Stacey and Jon were told their son, Drake, had cardiomyopathy and had less than a 1 percent chance of survival. Drake was born, survived for 3 days, and, as Stacy says, “looked absolutely perfect to us despite his imperfect heart.” Even in their grief, the couple recognize the hand of God at work and are thankful for the blessings—even the ones they…
Erin felt lingering pain and emptiness after her parents’ divorce, which led to an eating disorder and tendency to cut herself. She eventually learned that God’s love was the only thing that could fill the void in her life and take those broken pieces to create something beautiful. God gave Erin a heart for Haiti, where she is serving as an elementary education teacher.
As a professional soccer player, Brian was in top physical condition. But in an instant, a serious injury changed everything forcing him to take a year off. God used His Word to encourage Brian during those dark days, teaching him that Jesus is always interceding on our behalf.
It’s not always easy to know what God wants us to do. Sometimes we have to wait. And through prayer and wise counsel we find confirmation and open doors . . . just as Steven did. His Maasai people wanted him to become their leader, but he was very reluctant. He prayed and waited. After confirming the Lord’s calling for him, he now boldly leads because “if…
When the storms of life threaten to overwhelm you and hopelessness is all you know, there is One who can bring peace to troubled lives. Jesus spoke the winds and the waves into submission, and He can calm your storm too. Just ask Him.
Joe Trujillo grew up in a dysfunctional family with alcoholic parents and as a young man ended up in prison with 5 felonies. Feeling utterly hopeless, Joe remembers, “I fell to my knees and cried out to God” one night in his cell.
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