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In Pursuit of Paul

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In Pursuit of Paul


Jesus transforms lives. One of the most radical transformations in the Bible was that of the apostle Paul, who went from an enemy of the faith to its great defender. This transformation intrigued New Testament scholar Con Campbell so much that he decided to trace Paul’s life and missionary journeys from Jerusalem across the Mediterranean world to Rome. In this seven-part series, Con searches for answers to help him better understand Paul’s personality and passion. Join Con on this travelogue-style adventure so you can better know Paul and the profound effect he had on Christianity.

Series Guide
Before the apostle Paul was a friend of the faith, he was an enemy. From birth to rebirth, Campbell explores the radical transformation that left Paul fully committed to Jesus as Christ, Lord, God, and Savior.  
Investigate Paul’s three “silent years” after his conversion that took place in Arabia (Jordan) where he became prepared for his mission.
Trace Paul’s first missionary journey from the island of Cyprus to what is modern-day Turkey, and understand his challenge of telling the story of Jesus to a Gentile, Roman culture.
Embark on Paul’s second missionary journey to a new continent and to Athens—the heart of Greco-Roman thought and wisdom—where he reasoned with his listeners and presented the wisdom of the cross.
Paul’s third and final missionary journey includes Ephesus, one of the most prominent idol- worshiping cities of the Roman Empire, and ends in Jerusalem.
Campbell follows Paul’s last years from arrest and trial in Israel to his shipwreck on the island of Malta to Rome where he was imprisoned.
Paul’s journey nears its conclusion as he writes more letters under house arrest and eventually is martyred. His life can be summarized by some of his last words: “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.”     
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