Through faithful giving of friends like you, we are able to continue to produce films that reach people with the life-changing wisdom of the Bible
DonateWhen our bodies fail to provide our heart’s desires there is no one else to turn to for help but God.
Through faithful giving of friends like you, we are able to continue to produce films that reach people with the life-changing wisdom of the Bible
DonateBelievers are called to shine the light of the gospel in a very dark world. There are many challenges, and at times it can seem like it’s all in vain. But God’s promises hold true to sustain you in the journey and bring hope to lost people. This is the third in a series of videos for Gospel Here & Now. Go to to find out…
We can quench our thirst with a variety of products. They may come in attractive packaging and satisfy us for a while, but we will be thirsty again. So drink from the source of living water—Jesus. You will never thirst again.
Whether breaking bread around a table or coming together around the Word of God, it’s good to be with other believers. We find common ground, encouragement, and happy hearts. Fellowship is one of God’s greatest gifts to His children.
Darkness. The world was in darkness. But we knew the Light was coming because God promised His arrival. Suddenly, one night so long ago, He came bursting into our world as a baby. And just like the morning sun, He overcame the dark of night and gave us hope.
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