A serious car crash and one month in a coma changed the course of Russ Shadron’s life. This wake-up call took him from a life of selfishness and partying to a life of gratefulness and understanding.
“God does whatever it takes to get your attention.” For Jon, it was a huge collision he thought would take his life. But he was given a second chance. And although he was a pastor who preached and taught, he had been too comfortable. The accident brought about a new clarity—a refocus—to passionately pursue Jesus and make Him known.
Believers are called to shine the light of the gospel in a very dark world. There are many challenges, and at times it can seem like it’s all in vain. But God’s promises hold true to sustain you in the journey and bring hope to lost people. This is the third in a series of videos for Gospel Here & Now. Go to gospelhereandnow.org to find out…
Although she’s had a successful career in the Christian music world, Nicol Sponberg’s most important job title is mom. That role for her has come with many blessings, but also with tremendous heartache.
When the storms of life threaten to overwhelm you and hopelessness is all you know, there is One who can bring peace to troubled lives. Jesus spoke the winds and the waves into submission, and He can calm your storm too. Just ask Him.
It’s humbling, really. When you consider the entire universe, the billions of stars and people, the noise and activity that never end . . . and He chose YOU! The Creator of everything made you, died for you, and wants a relationship with you.
Erin felt lingering pain and emptiness after her parents’ divorce, which led to an eating disorder and tendency to cut herself. She eventually learned that God’s love was the only thing that could fill the void in her life and take those broken pieces to create something beautiful. God gave Erin a heart for Haiti, where she is serving as an elementary education teacher.
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