The color of your skin, where you come from, and other people’s misconceptions about you don’t matter. Jesus died for you; and when you believe this truth, God welcomes you with open arms into His family. You are accepted by God, and you are His child. Read more:
Seared in the fire. Crafted into perfection. Ready to be used. Just as the craftsman refines a tool for a select purpose, we were created in Christ Jesus to do good things. God has already given you ambitions and directions. Go fulfill them. Read more:
When the storms of life rage, remember He is with you. When you struggle until you have no energy left to give, He is with you. When you feel alone and think that God doesn’t care, He is with you. So take heart . . . He is with you!
Our days are filled with endless commitments, choices, fun things, not-so-fun things. Things we have to do. Things we get to do. Wrap your day in prayer because keeping your eyes on God will help keep everything else in focus.
Whether breaking bread around a table or coming together around the Word of God, it’s good to be with other believers. We find common ground, encouragement, and happy hearts. Fellowship is one of God’s greatest gifts to His children.
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