
The Gospel Here and Now: Bring Hope thumbnail image

The Gospel Here and Now: Bring Hope

The Gospel Here and Now: Bring Hope


Believers are called to shine the light of the gospel in a very dark world. There are many challenges, and at times it can seem like it’s all in



The weight of the darkness can be suffocating. Until the Light of the World reveals Himself, and you believe.
What’s Your Perspective thumbnail image

What’s Your Perspective

What’s Your Perspective


Through our own narrow lens of experiences, our viewpoint is often unclear and unreliable. We can feel confused and in the dark. When we realign
All Things thumbnail image

All Things

All Things


Your might is incomparable. With a mere thought, You can create. I can’t even fathom it. I am small and weak. Yet, in my weakness I feel Your str
Seconds Count thumbnail image

Seconds Count

Seconds Count


Seconds can drag on and years can fly by. We know we are on this earth for just a moment. And we don’t know when that moment will end. So, God, h
Begin Where You Are thumbnail image

Begin Where You Are

Begin Where You Are

God is the maker and sustainer of all things. He cares for you and graciously gives His love forever.
I Am God thumbnail image

I Am God

I Am God


Creation speaks of me, yet I am invisible. My glory thunders, yet I whisper to you. Heaven and earth are mine, yet I want your heart. I am God.

Gift of Grace

Gift of Grace

No matter the circumstances, you can lean into Jesus—the best gift we could ever receive—and He will calm your spirit.

Intimate Details

Intimate Details

God, you know me. You planned every intricate detail of my body, my soul, and my personality. And I love you for that.

Do Not Be Afraid

Do Not Be Afraid

It’s inevitable. Rough waters will come. But the good news is that you are not navigating alone.
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